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Jenny at the Ridge

The Fourth Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge

The dust has finally settled following theThird Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge a couple weeks ago. It was such a successful event that we’ll be moving the event into the Lodge for the entire weekend next year to accommodate the crowd. (This year’s event sold out a month in advance and while a few people from the waiting list got squeezed in, some folks unfortunately had to be turned away–so we’ll be ready for them next year …


Traces of the Bloody Struggle: The Civil War at Stevenson Ridge

Traces of the Bloody Struggle-coverfrom Chris

In my capacity as the historian-in-residence at Stevenson Ridge, one of my projects this summer has been to compile some information about the property’s role during the Civil War. Many of our guests are interested in the Civil War, and they stay here because we’re smack-dab in the middle of central Virginia’s Civil War landscape, right on the Spotsylvania battlefield. The array of earthworks and fortifications on the property are amazing. One NPS historian called them the best-preserved …


The Man Stevenson Ridge is Named After

from Chris

I’ve been doing some additional research lately on Brig. Gen. Thomas Greeley Stevenson, the man for whom Stevenson Ridge is named. (More about that project soon!) He came from a privileged Boston family, and when the Civil War broke out, he was able to hand-pick his friends to form a regiment.

As part of my research, I came across these images of Stevenson. The one on the left comes from the Library of Congress. He looks like he’s …


A Little Wedding, A Little History

LobbyLoveSign 051416from Chris

We’re getting ready for a wedding this afternoon here at Stevenson Ridge. Teal, peach, and off-white pom-poms festoon the fireplace in the chapel, and spider-thin curly-que candelabras, also teal, sit at the center of each table. A sign in the lobby says, “Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life.”

Outside, it’s the kind of day our handyman, Frank, would call a “Chamber of Commerce” day—sunny and pleasant and enticing.

As I look out the …


Battlefielding on the Anniversary of the Battle

Earthworks 050916

Stevenson Ridge’s earthworks

from Chris

It’s been a rainy few days to be out on the battlefield, but 152 years ago on May 9, the Federal army moved into the area that is now Stevenson Ridge, so of course, I had to go out onto the field, rain or shine!

Fortunately, I had some great company: three fellow historians who had never had the opportunity to explore Spotsylvania before. One was colleague from Emerging Civil War, James Brooks from the …


Chris Publishes New Book, “Seizing Destiny”

SD-coverCongratulations to our historian-in-residence, Chris Mackowski, whose latest book project is now available. Seizing Destiny: The Army of the Potomac’s “Valley Forge” and the Civil War Winter that Saved the Union was a collaborative writing project with Stafford County historian Al Conner, Jr.

Seizing Destiny looks at the grim winter of 1862-63 that the Union army spent in Stafford County—and the remarkable transformation it underwent, from the brink of collapse to a fighting force finally able to achieve victory.

“Al …


Irish Soda Bread

from Elizabeth

Even though I am not Irish, for St. Patrick’s Day I try to make something Irish to go with this lucky day. My attempt to make soda bread was definitely an experience! We enjoyed it for dinner with cabbage and corned beef.

The tradition of this bread began mainly for poor people with the most basic of ingredients of flour, baking soda, soured milk, and salt. Before baking, a cross was cut on the top of the loaf …


In Honor of Washington’s Birthday

SD CoverOur historian-in-residence, Chris Mackowski, has a new book coming out in a few weeks: Seizing Destiny: The Army of the Potomac’s “Valley Forge” and the Civil War Winter that Saved the Union. Chris co-authored the book with Stafford County historian Al Conner, Jr.

To commemorate George Washington’s birthday, an excerpt of the book is available at Emerging Civil War that talks about this day back in 1863. Both armies saw George Washington as the father of their respective countries–U.S.A. and …


Keynote Speaker Announced for the Third Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge

from ChrisOgden

Planning continues for the Third Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge, August 5-7, 2015. This year’s keynote speaker is legendary National Park Service historian James Ogden from Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Historical Park.

The theme this year is “Great Attacks of the War,” and Jim will be speaking about James Longstreet’s attack at Chickamauga. Longstreet is best-known for his work with Robert E. Lee in the Army of Northern Virginia, but he served in the …


Christmas tree a la mode, 1944

Bill Mackowski-ServicePicfrom Chris

“Christmas tree a la mode.” That’s how my grandfather, Bill Mackowski, described it to his wife, LaVerne, back in December of 1944.

Bill was stationed in Belgium, part of the 330th infantry regiment of the 83rd Army Division. The world was embroiled in war and, at that 
time, the Battle of the Bulge had been raging for a week.

But the night of December 24 was quiet along the front. The men were sitting around, talking about their …