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Irish Soda Bread

from Elizabeth

Even though I am not Irish, for St. Patrick’s Day I try to make something Irish to go with this lucky day. My attempt to make soda bread was definitely an experience! We enjoyed it for dinner with cabbage and corned beef.

The tradition of this bread began mainly for poor people with the most basic of ingredients of flour, baking soda, soured milk, and salt. Before baking, a cross was cut on the top of the loaf to ward off the devil and protect the household.

Also, at this time, most kitchens did not have ovens so the breads that developed were baked on griddles on in large black iron pots. This method resulted in a loaf that was tender and dense with a little sour tang and a hard crust. It perished quickly, so it was always eaten with the main course verses the dessert.

For a Soda Bread Recipe click here.