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Any Time is Tea Time!

Tea Time Signfrom Elizabeth

In mid-July, we hosted a very special Sweet 16 for a local Spotsylvania girl who choose a tea-party theme. It was wonderful working with her parents and making this birthday party exactly what she wanted. We came up with these fun ideas:

Lemonade and Iced Tea Station
It was July, so of course, hot tea wasn’t ever something we even discussed. Guests were able to pick their chose of beverage and then have variety of ways to dress it up with herbs, nectars, and fruits.

Butterfly Layered Tea
This was a great Pinterest find, and we’re so glad we were able to make it come to life for her party. It’s just lemonade and butterfly pea flower tea, but it’s all about the layering. This birthday party had a bartender to help serve this drink and make sure it got the look she was looking for. Once the guests received the drink, they stirred together the lemonade and tea to give it a magical color change.

Bubble Tea
This style tea is gaining in popularity in more cities such as Richmond with Bubble Bars, but we felt this would be appropriate for a tea party! Bubble tea is flavored tea with milk, with tapioca pearls added to give it a bubbly look. Other places can offer a smoothie bubble tea, but we stuck with the basic. I think quickly everyone’s favorite choice of bubble tea was Thai tea with milk because it had a fun orange color to it.

Tea Time DIYThe birthday girl and parents provided beautiful centerpieces with antique books, tea pots and cups, pearls, and flowers. The birthday girl is an aspiring artist and designed these large, beautiful flowers made out of paper to display behind her gift table. This event also had her cake and tea-themed desserts provided by The Icing from North Stafford. This birthday party was a success and we’re interested in seeing what her wedding day will eventually look like!