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A Special Way to Say “Thank You”

Photo Cards 01JPGfrom Elizabeth

Everyone loves mail! So often, we gets bills and junk mail, but every once in a while, we get something fun, and that can make our day! That was the case for me the other day. A recent Stevenson Ridge couple sent me a “Thank You” card—and featured on the card was a cute shot from their wedding!

Personalizing your cards with a photo from your wedding day can be a great way to say “thank you” in a truly unique way. Cards are relatively inexpensive to print up, especially with so many online printing options now available.

The turnaround time is also a lot faster than you might think. Michelle and Corey got married on September 5, and their card showed up in my mailbox by mid-October.

A key part of that process requires good communication with your photographer. Let him/her know that you need a photo that you can use for your cards so that you can get an image in a timely fashion. Even if the rest of your photos aren’t fully processed, most photographers will be glad to work with you to get that one special image that helps you say “thank you.”

Now that fall is on the down-slide, getting a photo in the mail that reminded me of greener times here at the Ridge was also an especially nice treat. Imagine how your card might bring a little extra happiness to friends and family as you thank them for being a part of your special day!

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