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Commemorating the 155th Anniversary of the Battle of Chancellorsville

Our historian-in-residence, Chris Mackowski, took part in an exciting two-day event to help commemorate the 155th anniversary of the battle of Chancellorsville earlier this week. Chris, along with several fellow historians from Emerging Civil War, joined Kris White and Garry Adelman from the Civil War Trust and Beth Parnicza and Pete Maugle from the National Park Service for a series of Facebook LIVE broadcasts.

From Emerging Civil War, Dan Davis, Ryan Quint, Steward Henderson, and Edward Alexander joined in. So did Tom Van Winkle, president of the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust.

In case you missed the segments, you can watch through the Civil War Trust’s Facebook page, following these links:

First Day Battlefield at Chancellorsville

McLaws Wedge

The Lee-Jackson Bivouac Site

Jackson’s march to Catharine Furnace

Zoan Church Ridge (parts one and two) — connectivity issues caused a break!

Jackson’s Flank attack (parts one and two) — connectivity issues caused a break!

The wounding of Stonewall Jackson

Hazel Grove (parts one and two) — connectivity issues caused a break!


Chancellor house ruins and the Chancellorsville intersection

Second Fredericksburg and Salem Church