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A New Year, A New Perspective

From Kristi

Sometimes the start of a new year can bring about unrealistic expectations about yourself, your relationship, your attitude, your weight! Try not to start out the New Year with unrealistic goals; instead, start with small achievable ones.

The best way to begin creating goals for yourself is to assign first a date which you want to achieve the goal by, then list the specific and detailed item you are aiming to achieve. This allows your mind to categorize each goal with a certain priority. An example would be:

  • Goal 1: I will have all Christmas decorations cleaned up by January 12th.
  • Goal 2: I will eat a salad for lunch twice a week for the whole month of January and eat three salads during the first week of February.
  • Goal 3: By March 1, I will have the kitchen repainted.
  • Goal 4: By April 1, I will complete my federal and state taxes.

Notice each goal was written not with “I want” but “I will.” You CAN achieve your statements, your goals, your resolutions!

Happy New Year!