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The Things We’re Thankful For

To celebrate Thanksgiving, we asked some of the folks here at Stevenson Ridge about the things they’re thankful for this year:

Chef Anthony is thankful for Frank, our jack-of-all-trades who, among his other odd jobs, helps out in the kitchen as a dishwasher.

Bettina, one of our event coordinators, is thankful for all the opportunities she has to express her creative side here at Stevenson Ridge. “It’s wonderful not to be stuck in front of the computer all day,” she says.

Debbie, our innkeeper, is thankful for “so many things,” she says: good health, family, and having so many grandchildren around her.

Elizabeth, our head events coordinator, is thankful for the seasons. “They’re proof things are meant to change for a new beginning,” she says. “Plus, who doesn’t love find that lovely outfit in the back of the closet every other season!”

Gail, our office assistant, is grateful for her improving health and the family, church family, and friends who support her through all her days.

Katie is thankful for her family’s new home and for the health and happiness of her family.

Jennifer and Chris, our managing partner and our historian-in-residence, are grateful for their 8-month-old son, Maxwell James! They’re also thankful to have Chris’s teenage son, Jackson, with them this year.

Chef Moe is thankful for being in good health and for his family and friends. “I am also thankful for my job,” he adds, “I love it!”

And of course, all of us here at Stevenson Ridge are thankful for YOU: the guests, the brides and grooms, the battlefielders, the friends, the business partners, the employees, and all the many people who share time with us here at the Ridge. It’s such a pleasure to have such a wide circle of people to enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!