Spring is in the air here at Stevenson Ridge, and we’re embarking on a new and exciting wedding season. We have some new ideas popping off here in the SR kitchen.

First, for those spring and summer weddings, we offer our new chopped romaine salad with greens olives, chopped romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumber, sliced red onion, blue cheese crumbles, with our house-made oil & vinegar dressing—very delicious!

We also now offer our salmon cakes with a Cajon aioli cream sauce that are perfect as passed appetizers.

Last but not least, I will leave you with my pickled carrot recipe for your summer get-togethers and cookouts.

Thanks for giving me some time to talk to you all. Until next time, stay hungry and cook with a smile!!!

Pickled Baby Carrots Recipe

* One pack of baby carrots sliced in half
* 1/4 cup of pickling spice
* 1/4 cup of mustard seed whole
* 1/3 cup of whole cloves
* 4 bay leaves
* 1 tsp of coriander spice
* 1 tsp of turmeric
* 1 cup sugar
*1/2 cup salt
* 1qt water
*1 qt distilled white vinegar


Combine all ingredients together and whisk until the salt and sugar dissolve. Then add baby carrots to mixture.

Let set in refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or overnight, which is best).